Power Market Reviews

Weekly and Monthly reports

Power Market Reviews

“Power Market Review – for Hungary and SEE” provides analytics and explanations of price moves which happened on Hungarian and SEE spot and forward markets. The reports provides detailed explanations of price drivers, FBMC and correlation with CWE markets - what was happening on regional markets and what were the reasons for that.

Service includes two reports:
Weekly Power Markets Review, published on Monday morning
Monthly Power Markets Review, published 7 days after the month end

The report is particulary useful for traders to re-evaluate their decisions, especially in combination with our price forecast for day-ahead, week ahead and month-ahead.

The report is also intended for Regulators, Transmission System Operators, Power exchange Administrators, Utilities, Ministries of Energy and Assets owners. The aim of the report is to help power professionals understand reasons and consequences of changes on the markets which they regulate or on which they operate.

The reports include:
aaaPrice movements and correlation of SEE markets with Central-Western European markets
Power consumption
Analyses of generation per type (coal, gas, nuclear, hydro, RES)
Maintenance and outages of generation units
Transmission grid and power flows
Power futures
Emissions, international coal and gas prices
Actualities, various data and statistics

Service price: 690 EUR/month (company level license)

Below you can find sample report and more info about the service

Download (PDF, Weekly Review for WK44-2023.pdf)

Download (PDF, Monthly Review October 2023.pdf)

Power Market Reviews

“Power Market Review – for Hungary and SEE” provides analytics and explanations of price moves which happened on Hungarian and SEE spot and forward markets. The reports provides detailed explanations of price drivers, FBMC and correlation with CWE markets - what was happening on regional markets and what were the reasons for that.

Service includes two reports:
Weekly Power Markets Review, published on Monday morning
Monthly Power Markets Review, published 7 days after the month end

The report is particulary useful for traders to re-evaluate their decisions, especially in combination with our price forecast for day-ahead, week ahead and month-ahead.

The report is also intended for Regulators, Transmission System Operators, Power exchange Administrators, Utilities, Ministries of Energy and Assets owners. The aim of the report is to help power professionals understand reasons and consequences of changes on the markets which they regulate or on which they operate.

The reports include:
Price movements and correlation of SEE markets with Central-Western European markets
Power consumption
Analyses of generation per type (coal, gas, nuclear, hydro, RES)
Maintenance and outages of generation units
Transmission grid and power flows
Power futures
Emissions, international coal and gas prices
Actualities, various data and statistics

Service price: 690 EUR/month (company level license)

Below you can find sample report and more info about the service

Download (PDF, Weekly Review for WK44-2023.pdf)

Download (PDF, Monthly Review October 2023.pdf)

Contact Info

Balkan Energy AG, Switzerland


+41 44 586 98 55