10 Year price forecast for HUPX and SEE markets


10 Year price forecast for HUPX and SEE markets (2025-2035)

Hungary, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and other SEE countries

We have created a 10-years hourly profile price forecast for Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek and other SEE markets which is affordable and easy to understand through 20 carefully created scenarios.

Everybody is aware that new renewable energy installations are making a strong impact on market prices in Hungary and Southeast Europe already now and that the impact in next years will be even stronger.

Based on provided results and hourly price profiles across 20 scenarios for all months in the period 2025-2035, you can:
Observe forecasted price development under different scenarios
Evaluate the value of solar generation profiles in different countries under different scenarios
See the amount of available generation margin in different countries and the amount of surplus energy which market does not need in different periods of the year and different period of the day
Better evaluate your investment plans in energy sector and RES installations
Evaluate value of complementary battery storages
We will be providing updated simulations results each month with additional information and with fresh futures prices on international power, gas and emissions markets taken into account.

You can find additional information about the product in presentation file below. For pricing and orders of the analysis and datasets with results feel free to contact us.

Download (PDF, Presentation)

10 Year price forecast for HUPX and SEE markets (2025-2035)

Hungary, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and other SEE countries

We have created a 10-years hourly profile price forecast for Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Greek and other SEE markets which is affordable and easy to understand through 20 carefully created scenarios.

Everybody is aware that new renewable energy installations are making a strong impact on market prices in Hungary and Southeast Europe already now and that the impact in next years will be even stronger.

Based on provided results and hourly price profiles across 20 scenarios for all months in the period 2025-2035, you can:
Observe forecasted price development under different scenarios
Evaluate the value of solar generation profiles in different countries under different scenarios
See the amount of available generation margin in different countries and the amount of surplus energy which market does not need in different periods of the year and different period of the day
Better evaluate your investment plans in energy sector and RES installations
Evaluate value of complementary battery storages
We will be providing updated simulations results each month with additional information and with fresh futures prices on international power, gas and emissions markets taken into account.

You can find additional information about the product in presentation file below. For pricing and orders of the analysis and datasets with results feel free to contact us.

Download (PDF, Presentation)

Contact Info

Balkan Energy AG, Switzerland


+41 44 586 98 55