Bi-Weekly Risk and Portfolio report

Forecast for all liquid products

Bi-weekly risk and portfolio optimization report

HUPX+SEE Trading Tool is published in mid-month for the front month (15 days before start of delivery).

“Bi-weekly risk and portfolio optimization report” is focused on trading and risk mitigations strategies on Hungarian and SEE markets. It contains concrete advices and strategies for trading and managing of opened positions for: Week+1, Week+2, Month+1, Month +2, Quarter+1, Quarter+2, Year+1 products.

The “Bi-Weekly risk and portfolio report” is delivered as an extensive 70+ page document on bi-weekly basis which contains advices for trading and the most important global and regional factors which can impact Hungarian and SEE power markets during the next two weeks.

First segment of the document is "Updates on global and SEE risk factors", covering risk and fundamentals which will be impacting SEE power markets in next two weeks, including local fundamental changes, correlation with other European markets and Flow Based Market Coupling.

Second segment of the document includes forecasts for each product, with trading advices, analyses and risks present during delivery.

Service price: 1,600-2,000 EUR/month (depending on option)

Below you can find sample report. Report also comes with XLS file with published data

Download (PDF, Bi-Weekly Forecast report 24.10.2023)

Bi-weekly risk and portfolio optimization report

HUPX+SEE Trading Tool is published in mid-month for the front month (15 days before start of delivery).

“Bi-weekly risk and portfolio optimization report” is focused on trading and risk mitigations strategies on Hungarian and SEE markets. It contains concrete advices and strategies for trading and managing of opened positions for: Week+1, Week+2, Month+1, Month +2, Quarter+1, Quarter+2, Year+1 products.

The “Bi-Weekly risk and portfolio report” is delivered as an extensive 70+ page document on bi-weekly basis which contains advices for trading and the most important global and regional factors which can impact Hungarian and SEE power markets during the next two weeks.

First segment of the document is "Updates on global and SEE risk factors", covering risk and fundamentals which will be impacting SEE power markets in next two weeks, including local fundamental changes, correlation with other European markets and Flow Based Market Coupling.

Second segment of the document includes forecasts for each product, with trading advices, analyses and risks present during delivery.

Service price: 1,600-2,000 EUR/month (depending on option)

Below you can find sample report. Report also comes with XLS file with published data

Download (PDF, Bi-Weekly Forecast report 24.10.2023)

Contact Info

Balkan Energy AG, Switzerland

+41 44 586 98 55