SEE Price Forecasts

Day-ahead, Week-ahead and Long term forecasts, analyses and all the analytics a power trader needs

Power Market Reviews

Weekly and Monthly reviews, covering all price drivers in South Eastern Europe and correlation with CWE markets

Energy NEWS

The most comprehensive and the most affordable source of energy info for Hungary and South Eastern Europe

Country Reports

Detailed overview of power sectors in SEE, covering actualities, market players, renewables, projects and more

Our services are designed to be all-around solution for professionals active in SEE power markets

- Power traders, generators, suppliers, industrial consumers
- Investors in generaton projects, RES and storage solutions
- Grid / Market operators, ministries and regulators

In addition to our well known services, we have recently implemented an extensive "10-year price forecast for HUPX and SEE markets (2025-2035)", providing referent power prices for the next 10 yrars, risks of negative prices, strategies for optimization of investments, trading, supply or consumer portfolio

As a result, we are the leading provider of power market info, analytics and price forecasts for SEE since 2004

Latest forecasts and reports

Energy NEWS service
New Energy Daily Newsletter
HUPX and SEE Spot Support
HUPX Forecast for 27.09.2024, updated at 10:18
Weekly Power Markets Review
Wk-38 2024 report published
Bi-Weekly Risk and Portfolio Optimisation
New Risk and Portfolio report published
Energy NEWS service
Balkan Energy NEWS, September - 2024
HUPX and SEE Trading Tool
October-2024 HUPX-SEE Price Forecast published
HU and SEE Monthly Power Markets review
Market Review for August-2024
Month-ahead Trading Advisory
October-2024 Trading strategy document published
Country Reports on Energy Business
July 2024 update available

Price forecasting services

In addition to price forecasts, value of our reports is in “out of the box” analytics and in-depth analyses of SEE price drivers - but also impact of CWE markets and Flow Based Market Coupling on SEE pricing

We offer 5 different price forecasting solutions:
- 10-year HUPX and SEE price forecast
- Day-ahead and Week ahead forecasts
- Month ahead forecasts
- Forecasts for all liquid products
- Trading strategies and trading advisory

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Power Markets reviews

Weekly and Monthly Power Market Reviews provide in-depth review of price drivers and price moves which happened on forward and spot markets in the previous week and month on Hungarian and SEE markets. The aim of the reports is to help market professionals understand the reasons and consequences which happened on markets, and re-evaluate their decisions.

- Weekly Power Markets Review - Published every Monday morning, covering previous week
- Monthly Power Markets Review - Published in first 7 days for the previous month

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Energy NEWS service

Our Energy NEWS service was created to be all-around energy info and data source for anyone who is active in energy sectors of South Eastern Europe. In addition to latest energy news for South Eastern Europe, service also provides detailed overview of power markets - Spot and Futures prices, generation, consumption, exports, power flows, capacity auctions and much more

- Published at 7:30 CET every working day, PDF + Excel
- Searchable database with over 34,000 energy news articles
- Data download, web access and email delivery

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Country Reports on Energy Business

Country reports provide comprehensive overview of electricity sector for countries of SEE including detailed description of country fundamentals, export/import characteristics, retail market, liberalization, privatizations, generation and transmission projects, renewable energy, existing conventional power plants and power transmission

At the moment we have available up-to-date country reports for
- Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and North Macedonia.

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We provide different options and help you select the ones that best suits your business needs:

Energy news Service

From 99 EUR/month
  • Web access
  • PDF Publications
  • Data download
  • Email delivery
  • Company- level licence

Price forecasting

From 490 EUR/month
  • Day-ahead HUPX
  • Week-ahead HUPX
  • Month-ahead HUPX
  • Q+1,Q+2 and Cal+1
  • 10-year forecast

Country Reports

From 250 EUR/year
  • For 8 SEE countries
  • Single or joint packages
  • 2 times per year update
  • Over 1,200 pages
  • Company- level licence


You can reach out to us in one of the following ways and we will respond to you quickly:


Switzerland, CH-4656 Starrkirch Wil


+41 445869855

To start a Free Trial, you can quickly register on our Web Portal by clicking HERE - no credit card or contract needed

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Contact Info

Balkan Energy AG, Switzerland

+41 44 586 98 55